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Trade & commerce Optimize your processes through efficient communication

Trade & Commerce

In retail, wholesale and specialist retail, you can offer your customers a better shopping experience with the right call system. Customers no longer have to wait in a queue for specialist advice or at the service counter. Instead, they independently pick up a pager, shop and are called fully automatically when it is their turn. At the information stand, checkout or goods receipt, customers or employees can request specific help using the service call button. The appropriate employee is informed directly via pager without an announcement

Application example
  • A customer wants to be advised. Instead of standing in line or looking for a freelancer, he grabs a pager and continues shopping. As soon as it is his turn he will be informed automatically
  • A customer presses a service button at the information desk. The employee receives the message “Information desk: Please come.” on the staff pager
  • The Cashier presses the call button to change money and continues cashing out. The relevant employee receives the message “Cashier 3 – please change money” via pager.

Recommended products

Easy-Call 160, Easy-Call 300, Easy-Call 400, Easy-Call 420

Examples of employee calls in the shopping center
  • A customer at the liquor cabinet calls an employee for help at the push of a button.
  • The cashier calls security at the push of a button.
  • The reverse vending machine automatically calls an employee in the event of a malfunction.
  • A supplier calls the employee to receive goods using a radio button.
Fashion store, furniture store and department store

Customers often seek advice in fashion, furniture and department stores. The right staff can be called using a personal pager using service buttons at central points such as the information desk or changing room. Internally, employees can, for example, ask for help at the checkout and in the warehouse using the call button. Thanks to the extra-long system range, you can easily cover the entire house and, for example, use customer pagers to call customers to issue goods or call parents to childcare

Application examples
  • A customer presses the service button. The responsible employee receives the pager message. “Lamp information: please come”
  • A customer presses service button in changing room. Employee gets pager signal “Cabin 10: please come”
  • The childcare calls parents via customer pager
  • The goods issue department informs customers via pager that goods are ready for collection
  • An employee calls security using a button. A warning signal sounds in the personnel area. A display board shows “Checkout 14 – Security please come!”

Recommended products

Easy-Call 160, Easy-Call 300, Easy-Call 420, Easy-Call 610, Easy-Call 620

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